The Discourse Comprehension Lab @ GSU is presenting several papers and posters this week at the Annual Conference of the Society for Text & Discourse.
Argue Me Sophisticated; Describe Me Coherently: A Computational Linguistic Analysis of Prompt Differences in Source-based Writing (Thursday, July 11th; Session 14B; 10:30-12pm
Multidimensional Knowledge (MDK): A Prior Knowledge Framework (Tuesday, July 9th; Poster Session 1; Poster #14)
Combining Self-Explanation and Elaborative Retrieval Practice to Facilitate Comprehension (Tuesday, July 9th; Poster Session 1; Poster #22)
The Russian Language Test: Towards Assessing Comprehension in Russian (Wednesday, July 10th; Poster Session 2; Poster #12)
Get SMART: Improving Comprehension with the Student Mental Model Analyzer for Research and Teaching (Wednesday, July 10th; Poster Session 2; Poster #14)
Multiple Dimensions of Background Knowledge in a Scenario-based Assessment (Wednesday, July 10th; Poster Session 2; Poster #32)