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Research Team


Katie McCarthy

Associate Professor, Ed. Psychology

Lab Director

Affiliate Faculty: Center for Research on the Challenges of Acquiring Language & Literacy (RCALL)
Affiliate Faculty: Adult Literacy Research Center (ALRC)

Dr. McCarthy is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Learning Sciences at Georgia State University. She earned her Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago and worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar at the Science of Learning and Educational Technology Lab at Arizona State University.


Dr. McCarthy's conducts basic and applied research in in areas such as reading comprehension, learning from text, and disciplinary literacy. She is also interested in how artificial intelligence (AI), data mining, and learning analytics can be used to better understanding reading and writing processes and how technology can be used to support students' literacy skills.


Graduate Students

Eleanor Fang Yan

Doctoral Student, Ed. Psych

Eleanor Fang Yan is a doctoral student in the Educational Psychology Program at Georgia State University. She was a Center for Research on the Challenges of Acquiring Language & Literacy (RCALL) graduate fellow and a recipient of the Joanne R. Nurss Endowed Scholarship in Life-Long Literacy


Eleanor is broadly interested in cultural differences manifested through language and literacy and has worked on projects that examined those differences through reading, writing, and epistemological beliefs across a wide age range. Currently, she is working on a critical evaluation of the potential component model structures of reading comprehension between native and non-native readers of English in different age groups.

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Research Assistants

We are delighted to work with graduate and undergraduate research assistants from a variety of degree programs across campus.


Research assistants support research design, participant recruitment, data collection, and analysis. They are also often co-authors on conference presentations and journal publications.

Lab Alumni

Master's Students
Davis Whaley (degree conferred 2021)
Lexi Elara (degree conferred 2021)
Mi'Kayla Newell (degree conferred 2020)
Graduate Research Assistants

Bharadwaj Balaji (2023-2024)

Heejoon Choi (2023-2024)

Philip Ehrenberg (2023-2024)

Shanice Gay (2023-2024)

Dianah Kiatabi (2023-2024)

Maggie Schneider (2023-2024)

Shuyuan Tu (2023-2024)

Adeola Phillips (2021-2023)

Mi'Kayla Newell (2018-2023)

Amanda Dahl (2022-2023)

Jacob Snyder (2020-2022)

Donald Freeman (2022)

Zareen Hasan (2022)

James Malloy (2022)

Sierra Smith (2022)

Michelle Tobar (2022)

Qianyi Wang (2022)

Melanie Knezevic (2020-2021)

Corrine Skinner (2019-2021)

Dimitri Wing-Paul (2019-2021)

Danielle Brooks (2019-2021)

Elizabeth Kenney (2019-2020)

Kaitlyn Adams (2018-2020)

HyeIn Kim (2019-2020)

Campbell Speed (2019-2020)

Amelia Spencer (2019-2020)

Rachael Zimmerman (2019-2020)

Matthew Gilpatrick (2018-2019)

Haley Robinson (2018-2019)


Undergraduate Research Assistants

Kristina Colón (2020)

Cainan Barnes (2018-2019)

Nari Ryoo (2019)

Campus Address:

30 Pryor St SW, Atlanta, GA 30303


Mailing Address:

College of Education & Human Development

P.O. Box 3978, Atlanta, GA 30302

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© 2019 K. McCarthy

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