Eleanor Yan received a Research Support Grant from Georgia State’s Adult Literary Research Center (ALRC). Eleanor’s project is titled “Do Acculturation Strategies Support International College Students’ Literacy Skills?: Development of the ASICS Scale”.
International College Students are an often-overlooked, yet important group of struggling adult readers. Not only must these students be proficient in conversational English, but they must master American discourse norms and discipline-specific literacy practices that may be quite different from their school experiences in their home countries. International College Students also face other cultural challenges as they navigate life in the US and these challenges may impede their ability to develop their literacy skills.
Eleanor will use this research funding to pilot and refine a tool, the Acculturation Strategies in International College Students (ASICS) scale, that can be used to better understand and support the unique challenges faced by International College Students.
Eleanor is a third-year PhD student in the Educational Psychology Program. She is co-advised by Dr. McCarthy and Dr. Lee Branum-Martin (Psychology). Eleanor is a graduate fellow of the Center for Research on the Challenges of Acquiring Language & Literacy.